Westfield High School’s "For the Kids Dance Marathon" Beach Volleyball Fundraiser Saturday August 10th 8:00pm-11:30pm

  • Sport: Pick-up Games
  • Format: 6 vs 6 Beach Volleyball
  • Locations: iBeach31 @ Westfield
  • Days of the week: Saturday
  • Started on : Started on Saturday, August 10
  • Dates: 8.10
  • Times: 8:00 PM

Come help support the kids of Riley Hospital!
Dance Marathon is a great organization with the sole purpose of helping families from Riley Hospital. We work to raise money to not only help patients who aren’t able to live a normal life, but to also help find cures for the many diseases out there. All children deserve the chance to live life to its fullest and have a great future ahead of them. Any donation makes a difference! #ftk

Sign up solo as an individual and/or invite your friend or friends within our registration. Please select Individual registration below to get started, and join us!

Cost: $10 per player
This event will be Organized Beach Volleyball play teams of 6vs6. Sign up as a team or an individual.

Saturday August 10th 8:00pm-11:30pm
8:00pm-8:30pm check in
8:30pm -11:30pm PLAY as many rounds as possible

751 E 181st St, Westfield, IN 46074

NEW ON-SITE Parking!!!

MORE INFO & MAP SHOWN HERE: https://www.ibeach31.com/page/faq-rules

What to Bring to our Beach Events:
1. Our facility is Outdoor so dress accordingly!
2. Water bottle & lots of water (We do sell bottled water for $1)
3. Beach towel
4. Chairs, Umbrellas, and Canopies are welcome!
Please remember to throw away your trash.

Please be sure to visit our FAQ page for details on our updated parking, restrooms, & more: https://www.ibeach31.com/page/faq-rules

    • Age: All Ages
    • Team
      • Status: Open
      • Cost:
      • Team
        $10.00 Total

      (Fee is per player)

    • Individual
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