FAQ's & RULES iBeach31

750 E. 181st, Westfield, IN, 46074
For 2024 we do have a temporary gravel parking lot on-site, and we have a grass overflow lot on-site.
Can I play in 2 leagues a night? - iBeach31 offers leagues at different levels multiple nights a week. We are able to accommodate team that want to play in 2 levels. If you want to play in coed 6's and coed 4's you just need to notify us via email (leagues@ibeach31.com)that you have embers playing on multiple teams and we will accomadate with scheduling.
We also offer discounted fees if your team wants to play 2 hours per night in a league. Your team will be scheduled back to back game times. the only exception to this will be during the playoffs when it may not be possible to schedule teams back to back.
Schedule request - schedule request can be made online through the registration platform. Please email if you have questions about how to request a game time/times. info@ibeach31.com
Food & Beverage
We will have light concessions, snacks, drinks, beer & seltzers.
No outside food & drinks are allowed
Portable Restrooms are provided on-site.
We have running water on-site for rinsing of but not for consumption.
Please bring your own water bottle, if you forget that’s ok, we do sell bottled water for $1.
We will have complimentary beach brushes to remove sand before you leave.
Beach towels also work and some players like to use baby powder.
Spectators, kids, chairs, canopies & umbrellas are all welcome
All ATHLETES/PARENTS/PLAYERS if you have already registered with us for any league/event/tournament then you do NOT need to sign our waiver, however if you mentioned or invited a partner/player/friend within your registration then they must register separately or sign our online waiver as you can not sign up for them. Please see waiver link here: https://www.ibeach31.com/league/33149/details
Please contact info@ibeach31.com for sponsorship options.
Children: We are proud to have a family friendly atmosphere, children are welcome anytime including all Adult league nights but please be surr they are supervised.
iBeach31 Merchandise: Hats, Sunglasses, Visors, Shirts, and Headbands are available for purchase fromthe Beach Bar or Beach Shack
Coed Requirements & Substitutions
All teams must have one (1) female for every three (3) males on the court when playing 6s and 4s. All 6s league games require at least four players to start a match. The maximum number of players on the field for a 6s team is always 6. 6s Teams may have up to 10 total team members to allow for substitutions. Substitutions may only occur during a new side out for the team making the substitution, unless warranted by player injury. There are no requirements for hitting the ball based on gender, as in taking turns. Both men and women may spike the ball.
Games & Scoring
All adult leagues list game scoring formats and vary per league please check the leagues more info tab for more details.
Score Reporting
We will keep point totals to determine placement in league playoffs. We are not using referees or scoreboards, everything is electronic so please ALWAYS have the winning team report their scores to the check-in table or Beach Bar
Profanity: Please refrain from using profanities at iBeach31. We are family friendly!
First Serve & Side Switches
First serve is decided by Rock, Paper, Scissors with the winner choosing side or serve. For game 2 switch the order. 6s and 4s teams do not switch sides during a game. For 2s, teams will switch sides every seven 7 points and every 5 points for 3rd games to 15. Game 3 first serves should be decided by Rock, Paper, Scissors as well.
Serving & Service Order
All serves must be completed from outside the boundary lines at the back of the court. You may not touch the lines or step into the court until after the ball has been served. If the ball makes contact with the net antennas, the ball is out of bounds. There are no restrictions as to how the ball may be served except that it must be clearly hit, not thrown or pushed. Net serves, where the ball strikes the net and continues over the net onto the receiving team’s side, are considered legal serves. All players in 6s, 4s and 2s take turns as server. NOTE: only 6s will rotate players to serve in a clockwise manner following server rotation, however players may move to set positions following service of the ball. 4s may designate positions as long as server rotation is followed.
Net Violations
Any net contact (top, middle, bottom & antenna) made by any part of a player’s body, clothing or headwear is a violation and should be called. The only exception is when the ball is driven into the net, causing it to touch an opponent. In this case no fault is committed (USAVB 11.3.3). You may go under the net to play the ball, however you may NOT make contact with the opposing team or interfere with the play of the ball. Making contact or interfering with play means a loss of point.
The area within each side of the court, including the court boundary lines, is considered IN BOUNDS. The following is considered OUT OF BOUNDS: all ground beyond the court boundary lines, fences, light poles and overhead light fixtures, adjacent courts. Do not play onto any adjacent courts. If your ball goes onto another court the play is dead and the opposing team gets the point. Please call out “BALL” as a courtesy to teams on adjacent courts.
Court Dimensions
- Boundary Lines:
- Large Court (59 X 29.5 ft)
- All 6s
- Short Court (52.5 X 26.2 ft)
- All 4s
- All 2s
- Large Court (59 X 29.5 ft)
- Net Height:
- High (7‘11” & 11⁄16 inches)
- Men’s 4s & 2s
- Coed 6s, 4s & 2s
- Low (7’4” & 3⁄16 inches)
- Women’s 4s & 2s
- Juniors
- High (7‘11” & 11⁄16 inches)
Updated standings will be made available weekly via your player page once you login.
If your team forfeits a match during the season, the following rules apply: First Offense: Loss of game. Second Offense: Loss of game & staff reserves the right to remove team from playoffs. Third Offense: Removal from the league. If you know your team is going to miss a game, please email info@ibeach31.com in advance so we may assist with rescheduling if possible.
Playoffs will be seeded based on league win records and score totals as necessary. All playoff matches will be played best of 3 with the 3rd game played only to settle a draw. All 1st and 2nd playoff sets are scored to 21, win by 2 (1st set cap 23). All playoff 3rd set will be scored to 15, win by 2, with no score cap. Playoff brackets and format (SINGLE elimination, Gold and/or Silver brackets) will be determined following the completion of league play based on the number of teams within a given league.
League Cancellation & Rainout
League play may be cancelled due to existing weather conditions, dangerous or unplayable field conditions, facility constraints, scheduling conflicts, etc. iBeach31 staff will make every effort to play all scheduled games unless cancelling is absolutely necessary. In the event of a cancellation we will notify players via our GroupMe app. If a league requires canceling the day of, iBeach31 staff will attempt to contact teams scheduled to play that day or night via email. League reschedule days are TBD.
We are a family-friendly establishment. We hope that all players keep that in mind when playing. Games may become intense, but you can maintain competitiveness while maintaining good sportsmanship and behavior. Any behavior deemed unacceptable by staff may result in suspension and/or ejection from either a game, a league or iBeach31 all together.
All games should be self officiated. Call your own nets, lifts, bad sets, double hits, etc. Avoid making the other team call you on a bad play. Any disagreement should be settled by replaying the point.
Net Play
You may reach over the net to block a hit, however you may not make contact with the ball before your opponent. Serves cannot be blocked or attacked at the net by the receiving team.
Ball Contact & Hits
Holds: Players are not permitted to scoop, hold, or throw the ball in 2s and 4s or 6s. The ball must not visibly come to rest on the player’s hands, fingers, or any other part of the body.
Setting: 2-hand setting or “dumping” the ball over the net to the opponent is only allowed in Doubles when the player has squared his/her body to match the direction of the ball over the net. NOTE: This is an advanced striking technique. We recommend it only being used by advanced players.
Setting with Intent: For all Quads Leagues 2-hand setting or "dumping" the ball over the net is NEVER allowed regardless of intent. For example if a player has intent to set their own teammate and the ball falls over the net, this still still the opponents point.
For all Sixes Leagues setting the ball over net is always permitted.
Ball Receiving: You may NOT open hand receive any ball but a hard driven or attacked ball for 2s and 4s. You may NOT open hand receive a serve.
Tips & Dinks: No open hand dinks or tips are allowed in 2s and 4s. You must have a closed fist or use your knuckles to tip a ball over. An open hand roll shot is legal.
Double Contact: double contact on the ball is allowed only on the first ball over on a hard driven or attacked ball excluding the serve. With the exception of a blocked spike, all other double contacts must be all in one motion and unintentional in terms of making the play. You may use any part of your body, including feet, to contact the ball during a match.
Blocks: a player blocking a spike onto his/her own side may now play the ball once more. This block counts as hit 1 of 3 on the player’s side.
6s in General: all of the above rules will apply to 6s leagues, regardless of the level of play. However, given many players joining 6s leagues are first-timers or simply “recreational” players, the enforcement of these rules is much more relaxed. Beginning or recreational players in 6s leagues should make every attempt to follow the rules and adopt proper techniques of play and more experienced players in 6s leagues should make every attempt have a good time when rules are not being followed on the other side of the net.
Thank you!