COED 4's Turkey Tournament Sat Nov 18, 12-4p

  • Sport: Tournament
  • Format: Coed 4v4
  • Locations: iBeach31 @ Westfield
  • Days of the week: Saturday
  • Started on : Started on Saturday, November 18
  • Dates: 11.18
  • Times: 12:00 PM

11:45 check in, 12p start
(Park onsite )

Winners get free entry into next tourney
Bring a canned good to give back to local pantry
Division | Intermediate/Competitive
Sign up with a team
1 Female Player required
Limited to 12 Teams (min 4 teams )

For more information and registration visit

Payment not due until day of tournament (pay onsite).
(NOTE: Tournament dates and times are subject to change. Please check back often.)
You may bring your own outside food, drinks (NO GLASS),

|| Registered Teams |


Our address is 750 E 181st, Westfield, IN, 46074.

Chairs & Umbrellas!!!
We do encourage you to bring your own Chairs & Umbrella's as needed as well as food/drinks/coolers.

  • Intermediate:competitive mix

    • Level: Intermediate
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 18 and Up
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