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IB31 Juniors
29 photos

2021 Junior & Adult Tournaments

  SEE Tournament tab that shows Adult and Junior Tournaments 



IMPORTANT!! For all Junior tournaments the Team Captain (The parent, if under 18) signs the team up & is responsible for payment onsite the day of the tournament. 


Cost: $30 per player - $60 per team

Pay onsite: Cash, Credit/Debit, or Venmo, payment due at check-in.

All tournaments are 2v2 format. For ages 12 and under, Coed teams are allowed. For Boys 13 and up, they are in a separate division than Girls. Girls can play with Boys however they must play in the boys division and on the appropriate net height for that age group.  *If there are no other boys divisions, we will find a way to integrate the boys into the other divisions, many times moving them up an age group in a girls division. 


Please don't forget to sign up for your AVP Membership as it is required for our Summer Club Program & required for all of our Junior Tournaments.  Our program & all of our Tournaments are officially sanctioned by the AVP (America Volleyball Professionals) therefore all players will need an active AVP Membership before registering for any tournaments.  You will need to sign your junior up for an AVP Silver Membership, which is $25 for one year:



How to Create a New AVP Account for Your Junior:

  1. Parents, first Create a Basic (free) membership for yourself here  Create a password for your membership, use your own email address and info for this. 
  2. Next once you’ve completed your Basic (Free Account), on your profile page click the dropdown menu with your name on it and select "Create linked account", this is for your Junior. 
  3. Select Silver Membership ($25) for them, it’s good for 1 year.  
  4. Then enter your child's information. You will need to use a different email address than the one you used to create your own Basic account. We suggest using your spouse’s email or your own second email address because all communications & a temporary password will be sent to the email address used here, this will also be the login used to register in all Tournaments.  Many juniors don’t check their emails so please keep this in mind when choosing an email for your Junior account.
  5. Select AVP America and/or AVP First if it asks what your interests are, select iBeach31 for affiliated organization, & select OTHER (club not listed for affiliated Beach Club) and type iBeach31.
  6. Follow the prompts to complete the Junior membership.
  7. Once you complete the membership for your Junior you will then be able to use their login you created for them to enter into all of our tournaments and any other AVP tournament across the country.  AGAIN: PLEASE DO NOT USE YOUR OWN BASIC ACCOUNT INFO TO REGISTER FOR TOURNAMENTS.
    For more AVP tournaments across the country check here:



If the Tournament begins and we are forced to shut down due to weather then no refunds will be provided.

Tournaments last anywhere from 3-6 hours, on average 4 hours. Each team will be guaranteed 3 pool play games and single elimination tournament round for all teams.

Our junior tournaments are a great way to use your beach volleyball skills that you've learned, grow and advance your game, and an opportunity for friendly competition among friends and peers.

Chairs/Canopies/Food/Drink/Coolers are allowed onsite. Please remember to throw away your trash. NO GLASS PLEASE

Pick-up Games


  • Locations: * iBeach31
  • • Day: Thursday • Started: Thursday, May 20
More Info
More Info

A signed waiver & AVP Membership is required for all Junior Tournaments.

How to Create a New AVP Account:
Navigate Here: https://avp.com/membership-sign-up/
Parents, first Create a Basic (free) membership for yourself here. Create a password and your own email address and info for this.
Next once on your profile page, click the dropdown menu with your name on it and select "Create linked account" for your Junior.
Select Silver Membership ($25), it’s good for 1 year.
Then enter your child's information. You will need to use a different email address than the one you used to create your own account. We suggest using your spouse email or your own second email address because all communications & a temporary password will be sent to this email address. May juniors don’t check their emails!
Follow the prompts to complete the membership.
Once you complete the membership for your Junior you will be able to use their login you created (DO NOT USE YOURS) to enter into all of our tournaments and any other AVP tournament across the country.

AVP Age Divisions:
18 & under: players born on or after sept 1, 2002
16 & under: players born on or after sept 1, 2004
14 & under: players born on or after sept 1, 2006
12 & under: players born on or after sept 1, 2008


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